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Virtual Birthday Party Ideas For a Friend During Lockdown

Virtual partying is the new thing to do in the COVID-19 world. From social media partying to Netflix hangouts and Zoom birthday video calls, itā€™s about making your friends feel special through innovative and creative birthday surprises.

Since your creativity knows no bounds, the list of ideas is endless, too.

Best ideas you can use to celebrate a birthday party during a lockdown.
Surprise Birthday Party Ideas For a Friend During Lockdown

To make it easier for you, we found the best ideas you can use to celebrate a birthday party during a lockdown.


Happy woman smiling while reaching for slice of pizza

Order food online for your birthday buddy during lockdown

Food is the answer to everything. If you don't know what to gift your friend on their quarantine birthday, go with sending them food!

In a lockdown, online ordering services have become our salvation. So, think of your friendā€™s favorite dish and get it delivered to their place. Look out for online services that follow social distancing norms and hygiene, to avoid any mishaps.

You can also include a cute birthday note along with the food. This idea might be a little too cheesy, but still a great one!

Show love through social media

Making your friend's birthday special during lockdown is an easy job, especially with social media! Dig deep in your brain's creative side and come up with innovative ideas to make their day!

Instagram or Facebook stories and posts are the best way to make your friend feel valued on their big day.

Depict your journey through the various pictures you have of you both. Take a trip down memory lane with 'remember when' captions and evoke pleasant and beautiful feelings of nostalgia.

You can also make a birthday collage for your friend through apps like Unfold, Storyluxe, SCRL, and other collage-making apps.

Create a special Bingo edition for your friendā€™s birthday or start a hashtag!

Send a virtual card

Cards will forever be a cute gesture for any birthday. There are many card-making apps that you can use to create a pretty birthday card for your friend.

Bring out your artistic skills and make amazing cards using Handwrytten, justWink, or other apps.

Flood their phone with cute texts

Spamming may be annoying but not when it is filled with goofy and appreciative birthday messages.

Decide with your other friends and flood your friendā€™s phones with cute texts every couple of hours!

By the end of the day, she will be overwhelmed with so much love from everywhere.

Happy woman watching her surprise birthday video gift made with VidDay
Make a surprise group birthday video!

Rally friends together to make a surprise birthday video montage

Celebrate your special friendship through a video full of warm wishes from everyone they love.

You can create a surprise group video for your friend's birthday with VidDay Video Gifts. VidDay makes it easy to upload your pictures, video messages, and get others to join in the surprise.

VidDay is a user-friendly video gift maker that lets you crowdsource media from friends, choose various themes, and create a surprise video for any occasion. To see how it works click here.


Choose any of the above ideas and make your friendā€™s quarantine birthday a perfect one.

One day in the future, when youā€™ll be thinking of splendid memories, this unique birthday will make a marvelous story for your loved ones, grandkids, or even for yourself!


Birthday surprise ideas during lockdown for friends and other inspirations.

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